Elasticsearch error: \Common was unexpected at this time

May 16, 2020  ยท  6317 views

Error: warning: Falling back to java on path. This behavior is deprecated. Specify JAVA_HOME\Common was unexpected at this time. Got this error when starting Elasticsearch for the first time.

I have downloaded and setup Elasticsearch on Windows using the zip file provided from Elasticsearch. When I try to start it from the command prompt, saw this error.

Elasticsearch startup error


I have the JAVA_HOME variable under the system variables, but this did not solve the error. Later when I added this error under user variable it got resolved.

This error occurred as there was no JAVA_HOME path available for the Elasticsearch to start. So add the JAVA_HOME variable in the Windows environment variable and try to start the Elasticsearch again.

Environment var - JAVA_HOME

Did this solve your error? then get started with Elasticsearch and Kibana by uploading some data to elasticsearch using the below posts.

Upload bulk JSON data to ElasticSearch using Python

Upload bulk data from csv file to ElasticSearch using Python

Hope this helps you. Please comment your thoughts.



A Software Engineer by profession, a part time blogger and an enthusiast programmer. You can find more about me here.

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